It's time to take my career to the next level. 

Much like the epiphany I had with my West Coast Tour, at the beginning of this year, I realized the main thing keeping me from accomplishing my dreams is me

I'm not trying to say this as a blanket statement for everyone -- people have issues which can keep them from realizing their dreams. 

But on an individual level, when I examine myself, I admit I have been in my own way. 

I've been so fortunate to be where I am. Why not use it to my advantage? I would regret it if I didn't!

I like to stay in my little safety bubble --  knowing what, when, where and how things are going to happen.  

I admit, there are times when I can be can be a bit of a control freak.

{ And, I can honestly attribute most of my success to that one facet of my personality. But, that's a story for another time. }

Then, there are other times where risks need to be taken. 

I grow the most when I'm taking risks. 

Big, fat, scary, anxiety producing risks. 

Things like moving to a different state where I don't know anyone.

I've done that a few times now, and it's time to do it again!

Just a few weeks from now, the husband and I will be drive down to California to find our new home. 

This will be my fifth home across 3 states in less than 2 years. 

I'd never driven to California before my road trip, earlier this year.

I had no idea I would make the trip multiple times in one year! -- Let alone move there all together. 

At this point, I pretty much feel like where’s Waldo. 

I’ve been between Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California. 

By now, I should be absolutely amazing at starting over. Time will tell.

Someone once told me, "Your dreams aren't just for you. They are for the people you meet along the way."

You have something to offer the world. Don't hide it. 

Learn from mistakes! Are you in your own way? 

California, here I come! 



This tour is an act of me taking leap toward pursuing my dreams. I dream of traveling the world taking photos of people. Then I realized, the only thing keeping me from doing it was making the decision to go for it! #myfirsttour #beingvulnerableishard

See the dates here.          

West Coast Tour, Alecia Lindsay Photography