Jen Pinkston | Lifestyle Blogger + Wardrobe Stylist
Tell us about yourself!
I'm from Austin, TX but have been living in Los Angeles for the last 10 years now-- crazy! Something that I have seen across the spectrum of people in creative industries is that their passion for style can transcend even the specific industry that they're in. Interior designers often times have great fashion sense, musicians usually have the coolest art in their homes, and many actors have the chicest homes thanks to their own great design aesthetic. I have always had an interest in style and fashion, but if I wasn't doing this I think I would be a pastry chef or an interior designer or a boutique owner! That's one of the reasons blogging has been such a great fit is that I get to explore all of those varied interests. My hope through my work and through my site, is to debunk the myth that their are stylish people and unstylish people and encourage everyone to have confidence in their own unique personal style.
What is your advice for someone getting into the Fashion/ Beauty Industry?
Explore every opportunity. Say yes to everything. Go above and beyond. Always look for ways to exceed expectations. Push yourselves to take risks and to make the cold call or the cold email and pursue what you want. Be open to change though if it turns out what you thought you wanted isn't actually what you want or if other opportunities present themselves.
#WOW | Words of Wisdom
No matter what industry you're in, take time to get to know yourself and your preferences. Having a strong sense of personal style and aesthetic leads to a strong personal brand. People want to hire strong brands because they know what they're going to get from them. Be unapologetically YOU, always.